So weekends are alway typically better than weekdays. No work/school, football, sleeping later and some time to catch up with the DVR. Even if there's homework...weekends are just better.
But then there comes a weekend that kicks all the rest of the weekends little white butts.
Friday, November 9 2012
Even though Thursday was my last day at work, I always take Friday's off. I don't have any classes and I never worked on Fridays. Friday was my day off. The day I could just relax, sleep in, and not have Income Tax :) So Fridays are always nice. Z and I decided to celebrate our 4-year anniversary on Friday night (even though Saturday the 10th is the official day) because one of our besties (yes "our" because we both love her) birthday was Saturday. So we went and ate steak and had a wonderful nice night out to ourselves on Friday.
Saturday, November 10 2012
So Saturday, my parents came in to watch the last Texas Tech home game against Kansas. I always love when my parents come in. As I said, I've been having
major homesickness so it's therapeutic and just...nice to have them here for the weekend. Anyways, Saturday was nice because:
Texas Tech beat Kansas in OT!
We got to celebrate one of my most amazing friends' 26th Birthday.
We decided instead of doing a traditional wine-of-the-month club for a year, me and my two other friends chose 4 months and decorated the bottles accordingly. I did Oct-Jan. The pictures on the top and bottom are the bottles, the one on the left is me K and her bf J. The middle is the Consonants :).
Love this guy |
And Z and I celebrated 4 years of loving each other.
And my parents finally told me the big secret they've been planning for awhile. A few weeks ago they hinted they had officially planned my graduation present but gave me NO HINTS. By the way... I love hints. I love getting and giving hints---to the point of where I eventually just give away the present. I'm the worst present-secret keeper which works well for those I'm giving presents to. I just get so excited.
So on Saturday my parents told me about my graduation present. They made this book and gave it to me.
The first page. I love these two. |
Hmmm...Where are we going? |
and PARIS!!! Please notice my Paris charm on my bracelet. So appropro!
Disclaimer--my parents actually gave me this earlier but I hadn't showered, was in my jams, and wasn't wearing makeup. I was WAY less posed at that point but I refused to let anyone document it haha*
So YES! Aug 6-15 we will be eating fish and chips and french bread with wine until we can't eat anymore. I am so excited. I have the most wonderful parents and I am so looking forward to making some wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime experiences with them.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Cowboys won and I got to spend most of the day with my parents, just our little threesome. I truly cherish those moments with them. We chatted and planned our European vacay, ate McAllisters (typical Sunday lunch), got some honey-do's done around the house, and just lounged. It was wonderful. I love them so.
So that was my weekend, filled with love, celebrations, family, and friends. I hope you all had wonderful weekends too. With all the excitement, it's important to remember that without our veterans, we wouldn't be able to have the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. Please take a moment and thank the veterans you know and send up a prayer/thoughts for all the veterans that have come before us and will come after us. We are such a blessed nation, and it's because of them we can live the lives we do.
"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." -Elmer Davis