Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Pick-Me-Ups

First, Happy President's Day everyone!
I wish I shopping...
 If you're having some major Monday-blues because you have to work/be at school, here are some funny/awesome little things I've seen that may make your day.

1. The Bitter Lawyer blog.  Today's post features the hilariousness that is Florida entitled: Florida: More than Just A Place To Die.

2. If you are a non-cooker person (me) but want to make something nomtastic then ladies and gentleman, I present to you uglies! Friends have described them as "heaven in your mouth" (and she would know, her dad is a preacher). Basically, it's like a sloppy joe in a little biscuit cup. I am making these for family night tonight. They're easy, reheat well, and amazing

They aren't pretty, but they're delicious
3. An oldie but a goodie. Beyonce the Chicken from The Bloggess.
Knock Knock...

4. Pinterest funnies

5. Something beautiful and/or inspiring to brighten your day

I hope that everyone has a very Happy President's Day and these little things make your Monday a little brighter. Have a fabulous week <3

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